Use of cookies and security file

Cookies are small information files that the server of a website sends to the computer of the person accessing the page in order to record the user’s activities during their browsing time to carry out certain functions that are considered essential for the correct functioning and visualization of the site. Depending on the purpose, cookies may be technical, analytical, tracking, etc.

The provider on its own account or that of a third party contracted to provide measurement services, may use cookies when a user browses the website. Cookies are files sent to the browser by a web server in order to record the user’s activities during their browsing time.

The cookies used by the website are only associated with an anonymous user and his or her computer, and do not themselves provide the user’s personal data.

Through the use of cookies it is possible that the server where the website is located, recognize the web browser used by the user in order to make navigation easier, allowing, for example, access to users who have previously registered, access to areas, services, promotions or competitions reserved exclusively for them without having to register each visit. They are also used to measure audience and traffic parameters, monitor progress and number of entries.

The user has the possibility of configuring his browser to be notified of the reception of cookies and to prevent their installation on his computer. Please refer to your browser’s instructions and manuals for more information.

To use the website, it is not necessary for the user to allow the installation of cookies sent by the website, or the third party acting on its behalf, notwithstanding the fact that it is necessary for the user to log in as such in each of the services whose provision requires prior registration or “login”.

The cookies used on this website are, in any case, of a temporary nature with the sole purpose of making their onward transmission more efficient. Under no circumstances will cookies be used to collect personal information.

What types of cookies do we use?

Technical Cookies

They are those necessary for navigation and the proper functioning of our website. They allow, for example, to control traffic and data communication, access restricted areas, carry out the purchase process of an order, use security elements during navigation, store content for the broadcasting of videos or sound or share content through social networks.

Analytics Cookies

They are those that allow the responsible for them, monitoring and analysis of user behavior and thus perform the measurement and statistical analysis of the use made by users of the services provided. For this purpose, your browsing on our website is analyzed in order to improve the range of products and services we offer.

IP Addresses

The website servers may automatically detect the IP address and domain name used by the user. An IP address is a number automatically assigned to a computer when it connects to the Internet. All this information is recorded in a duly registered server activity file that allows the subsequent processing of the data in order to obtain only statistical measurements that allow us to know the number of page impressions, the number of visits made to web services, the order of visits, the access point, etc.


The website uses information security techniques generally accepted in the industry, such as firewalls, access control procedures and cryptographic mechanisms, all with the aim of preventing unauthorized access to data. To achieve these purposes, the user/customer accepts that the provider obtains data for the purposes of the corresponding authentication of access controls.

Any contracting process or that involves the introduction of personal data of a high character (health, ideology,…) will always be transmitted by means of a secure communication protocol (https://,…), so that no third party has access to the information transmitted electronically.

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